Our World...

Welcome to OUR WORLD, the brainchild created out of boredom by my friend Todd and I during the "Attitude Era" of WWE (then F) and "Russo Era" WCW (then F'd). To explain the inner workings of what is now a rather extensive list of who's who in our twisted imaginings we start simply....with a house.
To the untrained eye this house looks like any other. Set in a quaint suburban residential area; like one found in everytown, USA, one would hardly suspect that 4707 Jacobs Glen Drive serves as the domicile for ultimate evil. The Brothers of Destruction. One so horrible, he once set his baby brother on fire, and killed the rest of the family in the resulting backdraft. The other forced to live a life behind a mask, the rats in the dungeon (that served as his bedroom) his only friends, but the cookies were great! I speak of none other than the WWF's own residential phenoms The Undertaker and Kane!
OUR WORLD's Undertaker and Kane are much different than the tv persona's you've seen over the years. Actually not entirely, because unlike in the real world, OUR brothers live their gimmicks and live together, often bickering more like a married couple than two brothers, due mainly to them co fathering their adopted son Reno. More on each of them individually in my next blog.
Next door to The House of Ultimate Evil separated only by a white picket fence is the Mega-Power House, the base of operations for Hulk Hogan and his roommate The Macho Man Randy Savage (who occasionally fights crime and hits on 14 yr old girls, when not serving at nighttime lighting) Lost yet? Read on.
Yet again, further down the road lives Gangrel. (As a matter of fact his place of residence has never been revealed.) Gangrel is a lovable neighbor, who often hangs out at Kane and Undertakers house arguing with baby Reno and hoping to hitch a ride to RAW. (Expect much more in depth blogs concerning the resident vampire, involving his stint at a well known department store and his "day job" in the sky.)
Well that's all for now, I hope to have intrigued you enough to check back in the future for updates on what has consumed my teenage and twenty something years.

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