Hell, Damn, Jesus Christ!

While Stone Cold's story is not long, his presence is important, and therefore, it justifies an article. Stone Cold showed up in the WWE first as the Ringmaster and later, the beer drinking wrestler we have come to love. Despite his affinity for beer, he originally enjoyed drinking grape soda on the turnbuckle, but this was curbed after it was discovered that beer was much more popular with the fans. Stone Cold became more and more popular with Kane and Undertaker after one of his action figures showed in a pose that hinted at him flying through space with his shoulders out and his legs back. Austin's career seemed to be soaring until the faithful day he was on the receiving end of Owen Hart's "pogostick" piledriver. The damage done to Austin's brain would be incurable. The injury severely restricted his vocabulary, and he was only able to use the "G" rated profanity; hell, damn, and Jesus Christ, to express himself. Austin also took to stalking other wrestlers, but only from places where he could easily be spotted. Many of his peers, notably Kane and Undertaker, allowed such behavior, but over time they become more and more fed up with Austin's actions. Some of the wrestlers even began to shout at Austin, who upon being discovered would let out a girlish "he he", and then run to another hiding place. Austin is still alive and well in the 1st world, despite his diminished role.
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