The Tower of Power, to sweet to be sour......

After his song "Tear It Up" knocked a meteor onto a direct course with prehistoric Earth, Macho Man remained innactive for many years rightfully blaming himself for the Ice Age and xenocide of the dinosaurs. Billions of years later he came out of hiding in an effort to save Jesus Christ from the crucifiction, and clear his good name. But alas, due to the time it spent to color coordinate his elaborate costume, he arrived too late to thwart the treacherous Judas and all was lost. Or was it? Shortly after on the day that is now known as Easter, Savage did indeed

For a short time Macho became tired of his physical form and after a night of binge drinking and listening to his song "Let's Get it On" used his powers to become the moon, serenading the sea with his poetic verse and basking the earth in his calm light.
For many years Macho has stayed dorment until landing a career wrestling for the WWF and endorsing Slim Jim beef snacks, the natural post retirement job for a omnipitent beings. After many years he became complacent, looking for more out of his life once again, so he left the WWF for greener pastures in the WCW. WCW was a good move for Savage because this is where he met another creative musician. A man who's muse of saying your prayers and taking

Today the two still live together in harmony next door to The Brothers of Destruction in the Mega Power House. Neither knowing that the other have taken on super hero personas. After a short appearence in Spiderman, Macho became the Slim Jim slinging crime fighter known as Machoman, a growling old man with bug eyes and a pinache for neon clothing. Meanwhile, Hogan has taken up committing crimes under the guise of the Red and Yellow Goblin having some kind of identity crisis between his Hulk and Hollywood incarnations.
I love you guys is blog. I also love men and peas though. Keep up the good work, and I'll hold up the fort back here. Of course you know that "hold" means "put", "up" means "my penis" and "fort" means "a man's butt". Cowabunga dude!
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